Tuesday 5 February 2013

City Snapshots Series

I have began a new subseries of smaller urban works. While these are part of the overall theme of my current work - urban/city decay, metamorphosis and change, these stand alone because of their size and particular content.

These works are only 12" x 12", so they are smaller than the others. However, this is an intentional choice - as a city commuter, my work needs to be small enough that I can carry it on busses and work on it while travelling. I do this on my way to and from work - I am always drawing. Keeping this ongoing series will certainly be a beneficial step forward into growing the number of finished works.

Furthermore, the intent of these pieces is to cover the breadth of imagery available in urban centres. Cities are beautiful, decaying, ever-changing, and present us with so much visual interest. As I walk around Vancouver, I am taking many pictures with my phone to use as reference material. When I am starting a new one of these snapshot studies, I choose something particularly interesting and turn it into a work of art. The titles I am giving them "Homer and Cordova", "Pender and Cambie", etc reflect where I was in the city when I took the picture.

My hope is to make these for a long while..and eventually show a ton of them at a cool venue somewhere.

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